The name 'Deer' is given to the ruminant mammals belonging to the family Cervidae. They are one of the most beautiful creatures on this earth and extend to approximately 34 species. Male deer, in India as well as the world, are known as stags, harts, bucks or bulls, depending upon the species to which they belong. While, the females are known as hinds, does or cows. One can find deers widely distributed throughout the world, including the Indian subcontinent. The only continents where deer are not found are those of Antarctica and Australia.The 34 species of deer can be divided broadly into two categories, known as the old world group and the new world group. The former comprises of the subfamilies Muntiacinae and Cervinae, while the latter includes the subfamilies Hydropotinae and Odocoileinae. Read on to get more information about the Indian deer.
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